Taking the Writing Original Works workshop allowed me to ask questions and get feedback on Maps of Content which has substantially changed my understanding and therefore use of MOCs. 2022-05-08_Method for managing MOCs indicates my thinking at that time. 2024-07-24_Value Planning is the first post indicating my new understanding. Here goes an attempt to make my understanding more explicit. From a WOW Chat on 21-May-2024, in response to the question: “How would you describe a map of content?” I replied: “A dynamic workspace resulting in an index to critical resources for the idea”

I am now starting a MOC for any idea I start to develop.



MOC template

Which is quite similar to my ideas template With Related and References extracted with:

I have found that as the idea develops, I move earlier OBE (overcome by events) work lower in the note, such as the references to a “Reference Section”, WIPs to an “Interim Products” sections and I add a TOC with the Automatic Table Of Contents plug-in to provide an index at the top of my note so that I can jump to sections, as the MOC can get large.

I am also working on corralling my MOCs into supporting my Values, so I can use references to the MOCs in my Daily Note log so I will eventually be able to assess how often I am focused on building out each of my Value areas.

In addition, I am working under the thought that I have primary, secondary and (maybe) tertiary MOCs because the MOCs spawn actual Activities (todos, efforts and projects(tasks)).

I’m sure I’ll be back to this topic in the future (of course it would have to be the future or I wouldn’t be getting back to it 🙂)