The inspiration for FAKRA
P.A.R.A – Tiago Forte
Tiago coined the idea of “Building a Second Brain” based on Project, Areas, Resources and Archives. He bases his work on David Allen’s Getting Things Done (GTD) and adds a step up to digital materials. Tiago promotes the best tool for the job and offers suggestions.
PPV – August Bradley
August has a focus on the flow of organization which he tags as a Life Operating System based on Pillars, Pipelines and Vaults (PPV). Notion is his tool of choice.
LyT – Nick Milo
Nick promotes using linking as a mechanism to aid knowledge discovery, hence Linking Your Thinking(LyT) Obsidian is his tool of choice.
- Obsidian is a markdown-based, local file information system with sync’ing
- Evernote is a web-based information system with local device sync’ing
- Notion is a web-based information system with local device sync’ing
Historical Inspiration for FAKRA
- Day-Timer
- Franklin Planner and Benjamin Franklin Autobiography
- PackRat: see entry 3
- Commence from Jensen-Jones
- Microsoft Project
- Getting Things Done by David Allen
Processes, References and Tools
Obsidian Roundup – Eleanor Konik Eleanor is a moderator for the Obsidian Community and discusses notetaking and Obsidian at the Obsidian Roundup
Systemics and design principles in support of Tiago Forte’s PARA framework - Ryan J.A. Muphy
Evergreen notes - Andy Matuschak
Special Mention
Evil Genius Chronicles – Dave Slusher
Dave promotes EGC as “A journal of geekery, music and joy” and introduced me via his podcast to both Obsidian and P.A.R.A.