Here are the top-level folders associated with VACAR. "" and ”,” used to sort correctly.


This is my inbox, a place to store entries for later review. A easy way to create a list of recent new entries. A place for QuickAdd to start entries so they don’t get lost. I originally called this “Inbox”, but Milo’s ”+” sorts correctly.


What is important to you? What drives you? How will you prioritize your time? This area is for self-discovery and driving your personal beliefs into your daily activities. The notes in this section capture my thoughts on my values and provide a link to activities and information supporting them.


An Atlas is a collection of maps. It may be a collection of data about a specific location. Nick Milo expanded this definition to include the data and information itself along with some utility functions. I am still working through the utility functions but I immediately remove the data/information to a Repository.


Calendar holds information that is primarily associated with dates. This is primarily:

  • Daily Notes
  • Weekly Summary Notes
  • Monthly Summary Notes
  • Yearly Summaries Notes
  • Reminders
  • Meeting Notes
  • Consolidating date oriented queries


The Activities area helps manage our time. This is my area that is informed by both Milo and Forte. I have three categories of activities:

  • Projects, from Forte
  • Efforts, from Milo
  • To Dos, from me (because I need a place for random items)

Projects have multiple steps often with multiple or incremental specified deliverables that have specific assigned delivery dates. Efforts have both looser deliverable definition and flexible delivery schedules To Dos are one-off items that need to be done but do not need the structure of the other two.


This is where both the ingredients and sausage are stored. I broke my repository into sub-groups of “All” and “Desktops-only” because I have an older phone and do not need to sync everything.