
I committed to a challenge starting 7/22 to post an entry each day in the LYT community as a part of my Writing Original Works course. I decided to fulfill that commitment with posts to this site. Hopefully it provides enough of a “forcing function” to habitualize keeping the site updated with my progress.


Since my December post, I’ve switched my static site generator to Quartz which has allowed me to apply a “Let’s Encrypt” certificate and also simplified my workflow. This will hopefully decrease the friction between my learning and my posting.

The biggest change, as can be seen from the Intro is that my underlying structure has changed. A gap between what I am doing and the terminology I’ve used led me to VACAR. A deeper dive into Nick MIlo’s Linking Your Thinking/Ideaverse and Tiago Forte’s Building a Second Brain and P.A.R.A. has modified some of my processes. The philosophy underlying my Life Operating System_f is unchanged.

It will take me some time to fix terminology and links on the site while retaining the history of my process so you can see how I got here.